Paolo G medium

My work as Spiritualist Medium

The mission of a medium is to bring messages from our loved ones who passed in to the spirit world. Those who work as Medium can not predict the future or give people prophecies. The medium is just a vessel, a channel used by the spirits to communicate to us. My education, my work as Medium comes from the English school of Spiritualism SNU, Arthur Findlay College - Stansted Essex, United Kingdom. 

I am very proud to be an SNU Member! On this Website you will find more information about me and my activity. 

Believe in afterlife!

it's your choice

The First Step is      to leave for a moment everything you have as preconceptions: try to forget all religious dogmas, horror movies, what you've heard about possessions, demons, or fears related to wickedness. None of this is real. Forget the magicians or seers. No fear of contacting the spiritual world. Remember that Only you can decide to believe, and it's your own choice, your evolution. Slowly you will be convinced that life does not end with the death of the body.

The second Step is     to be open to admit the existence of energies that are not visible. Starting to sense those subtle  but extremely intelligent signals that have occurred in our lives as coincidences or premonitions. Take a look at what surrounds us: the perfection of Nature, such as the world of bees, the beauty of our planet that collects a unique balance that allows life. 

Several scientists have admitted that they believe

-Dr. Robert Lanza, an American Nobel Prize and Scientist, published "Biocentrism". The book, which is definitely scientific but equally philosophical, explores the latest discoveries in physics to come to the conclusion that it is impossible that this perfect Universe and our world has been created on their own or by chance. It is impossible, according to Lanza, that a mass of matter such as our brain can create energies such as the emotions, the love or the conscience of an individual. Lanza's conclusion is that matter is the expression of a spiritual energy that governs the physical world. 

The latest discoveries in Quantum Physics are more and more pushing scientists to believe that a spiritual intelligence or energy is at the base of the functioning of the Universe. Particularly I suggest the book "Quanten Philosophie und Spiritualität" of the german scientist Dr. Ulrich Warnke.


the NDE - Near Death Experiences  pre-death experiences. Research by internationally recognized doctors has raised important questions that the scientific world has not been able to explain. Research by Dr. Pim Van Lommel and recently by the american Doctor Sam Parnia, has confirmed that in many cases, clinically dead people return to life by describing contact with the spiritual world. Relevant is that the old explanations, the theories according to which this expericences were only effects of drugs injected by doctors or hallucinations, theories of the eighties, were denied. According to recent research, in case of a prolonged cardiac arrest, the brain can not have any activity. How can we then explain many witnesses of people who, been clinically dead,  once awakened could describe exactly what had happened in the resuscitation room throughout the death stage. Interesting are the visions before the passing, testimoniate by the relatives; the dying person, few minutes before passing, already speaks with those on the other side, who are waiting for him.  

Incredible testimony from surgeon Lloyd Rudy, a renowned American doctor, who after a heart operation gone wrong had to accept the death of his patient. He and a colleague remained in the operating room near the patient's body for several minutes discussing what could have gone wrong in that surgical procedure. About 20 minutes after the patient was declared dead, while they were still talking, the patient's heart, clinically dead, suddenly started beating again. They immediately called the team back to the operating room and brought him back to a stable situation. Unbelieving as to what had happened.

In the following days, the patient claimed to have seen and heard everything that was happening in the operating room, finding himself as suspended above the operating room and reporting to Dr. Rudy the details of a conversation between the doctors that took place during right during those 20 minutes of his death-state. From a medical and scientific point of view, an inexplicable case. 

Dr. Rudy, it is fair to say, was one of the most famous cardiac surgeons in the USA.

 the links - "Dailymail"         "CNN"



- Past Lives Memories     Children who  suddenly can remember episodes or places of their past lives, pointing to details or places they could not know in such a tender age.Although they are very rare, some of these episodes remain an unexplained mystery. 

in this regard the POLLOCK TWINS story, which is an example of possible reincarnation. 

Twin sisters who family were convinced were reincarnation of tragic siblings - Mirror Online

There were also witnessed cases of people who wake up from deep comas and speak inexplicably languages never known in life! I can finally mention the interesting studies done by Carol Bowman, who has conducted research and published many books:


Have a look at this Tv Broadcast on ITV "Have I been here before?"

Link => Video (in english) 



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