2012 the start

Back in 2012 I started my journey in mediumship and I immediately understood that this step would be a great turning point in my life. Since then I have had many incredible experiences and I have met extraordinary people, spirits and mediums. I can only thank God for having been able to meet this light.

My Story

At age 20 I was a young man who was only interested in sports cars and social events with friends. One night I was awakened by a strange presence in the room. At first I thought they were thieves, a burglary; but suddenly I heard clearly a voice: "it's dad"; it was my father who died when I was five years old. I heard his voice clearly, it was real; I was awake, not dreaming and moreover that day was my father's birthday, was it a coincidence? Hard to believe what had happened to me, so I put everything in a drawer inside me for years. Only years later I did realize that this event was just the beginning of my journey in Mediumship. 

Subsequently over the years other episodes of this kind (appearances of spirits during the night) have happened but I did not speak to anyone, I did not understand and everything seemed unrealistic. One day by chance I witnessed a Channeling demonstration. For no reason the medium turned to me and gave me a personal message of incredible precision. From here (2012) the development of my mediumship began. Today I work as a medium in evidential mediumship, Trance healing and psychic. I was lucky enough to have met some of the best teachers of mediumship, even extreme experiences that have enriched not only my personal knowledge but also my soul. My spiritual path in mediumship also led me to intense research on the techniques used in the past; I have done research on subtle energies and paranormal events in Scotland. 

I regularly attend workshops and seminars throughout the year in the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy and Switzerland, where I live. 

I am a Member of the SNU (Spiritualists' National Union) in the UK and allowed to work in a Divine Service as an approved medium.  


My trainings and education in Mediumship

My education and work in Mediumship follows the School of English Spiritualism SNU and in particular the Psychic Sciences of Arthur Findlay College, Stansted, England.

My Tutors 2012 => 2024:

  • Stella Upton (2012), Colin Bates (2013) Sandie Baker, Matthew Smith (2014) AFC
  • Scott Milligan, Eileen Davies (2015) Tony Stockwell, Simone Key (2016) AFC
  • David Thompson (2016) Lynn Probert, Tony Stockwell (2017) AFC
  • Chris Drew, Nicole De Haas (2018), Val Williams (2019) AFC
  • Paul Jacobs  -  One year Mentorship in Birmingham (UK) Feb- Dec (2019)
  • Carol Ellis (2020), Judith Seaman, Norma Bingley in Stafford UK (2021)
  • Nicole Janssen & David Thompson, Denekamp NL, 2024
  • Jacqui McGleish, my Spiritual Mentor since 2022...on going


My Schools & Educations

  • Arthur Findlay College Stansted-London (UK) 2012-2020, 
  • Kingswells house Aberdeen (Scotland- UK) 2015-2017
  • Samaritans Wolverhampton (UK) 2019 
  • Barbanell Centre, Stafford (UK) 2021
  • Spiritualists Churches in Scotland (UK) 





Spirits are so close

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